CLICK on any question to learn the answer.
If none apply to you, call our call center on 0860 159 159 (TOLL FREE)
Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted as some original and original certified documents are required. The applicant must apply in person to a TRSA provincial site office.
Emailed or faxed applications will not be accepted as some original and original certified documents are required. The applicant must apply in person to a TRSA provincial site office.
Refer to the physical vehicle inspection process. Click Here
Yes, provided certain additional requirements are met. All documentation supplied must reflect the name and identity of the Trust. Please call our Call Centre for further information
Yes, provided certain additional requirements are met. This application is regarded as an exceptional application and will require the approval of the Department of Transport. Please call our Call Centre for further information
Yes, provided certain additional requirements are met. This application is regarded as an exceptional application and will require the approval of the Department of Transport. Please call our Call Centre for further information.
Yes, you must have already applied to the PRE to convert your permit to an operating licence prior to applying for the scrapping allowance. This proof of application for conversion must be submitted as a supporting documentation.
Yes, provided certain additional requirements are met. All documentation supplied must reflect the name and identity of the business. Please call our Call Centre for further information.
Yes, provided certain additional requirements are met. Please call our Call Centre for further information.
No, you must be the legally registered holder of the operating licence and it must be valid.
No. You must be the legally registered Title Holder and Owner.
The Public Protector issued a report on the 27 March 2019, stipulating remedial action on the illegally converted panel vans namely, the scrapping of these vehicles through the RTRP so the owners may be compensated.
Applications for the scrapping allowance will only be accepted if they are on the list provided by the Department of Transport AND that are/have been uplifted to an operating license.
There is a window period for these vehicles to be accepted for the scrapping allowance. Call our Call Centre Agent to enquire more on this process.
Verification of documentation can take between four and six weeks, all depending on the completeness and quality of the documentation submitted in your application.
Once your application and supporting documentation have been verified and your vehicle has successfully passed inspection, your vehicle will be deregistered on e-NaTis and payment may then be made within 7 – 14 working days from deregistration.
An application for the scrapping allowance is based on an OTV which is uplifted to an operating licence.
You are allowed to scrap any number of OTVs provided that each OTV is uplifted to a unique valid operating licence.
The scrapping allowance is R151 000 and is reviewed annually by the Department of Transport.
Yes, the letter is a requirement. Should you not have this letter, please call our Call Centre Agent to enquire more on this process.
Your application should verify that you are and have been a minibus taxi operator, operating your vehicle under application as a legitimate minibus taxi prior to applying for the scrapping allowance.
You can apply to the PRE to uplift a TRP compliant NTV to your operating licence.
If you indicate you are exiting the industry, you will be required to submit your original operating licence with your application. We will submit your original operating licence to the respective PRE for cancellation.
It is a minibus taxi that was either purchased, acquired or manufactured during any date on or before the 4th September 2006 and has a seating capacity between 9 and 16 including the driver.
Refer to our application process. Click Here
The Department of Transport has been approached for guidance on these vehicles. Please call our Call Centre for further information.
The Department of Transport is the determinant of this criteria but there is the possibility that this may change in future.
The Department of Transport is the determinant of this criteria but there is the possibility that this may change in future.
The Department of Transport is the determinant of this criteria but there is the possibility that this may change in future.
A Power of Attorney form is used in instances where a taxi owner is unable to apply in person. The Taxi Owner then gives authorisation to their representative to apply on their behalf through the Power of Attorney Form.
A vehicle must have all its vehicle components to confirm that it was operational as a mini bus taxi.
South African vehicles must meet the requirements of National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act no. 93 of 1996) (NRTA) and the National Road Traffic Regulations (NRTR).
Click here to learn more info on accessing the Taxi Relief Fund.