Driver Sunet Witbooi dreams of the day when she has her own taxi business
Sunet Witbooi faces many challenges in the taxi industry, the biggest being the sexism she experiences daily from both colleagues and passengers. But she’s no pushover.
Sunet Witbooi faces many challenges in the taxi industry, the biggest being the sexism she experiences daily from both colleagues and passengers. But she’s no pushover.
The minibus taxi industry runs in Sarah Plaatjies’s blood. Her uncle preceded her as chairperson of the Barkly West Taxi Association, a position he had assumed after her father passed away.
Taxi recapitalisation has three elements: moral, financial and developmental. So says Caroline Montshiwa, a taxi owner operating from the Mokopane taxi rank in the Waterberg, in Limpopo.
For Nomsa Nokwanda Patricia Dyantyi, a minibus taxi operator from Cofimvaba in the Eastern Cape, her business is a family one – and the Revised Taxi Recapitalisation Programme (RTRP) means that it can stay that way.
The Revised Taxi Recapitalisation Programme (RTRP) offers Eastern Cape taxi operator Nomagqwetha Sinnah Khwaza the opportunity to have a more sustainable, more cost-efficient business.
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