We provide donations to individual Hospice Palliative Care Association of South Africa facilities, in the form of much-needed medical supplies and equipment.
Recent support for Hospice facilities around South Africa includes the following:

We handed over much-needed bulk adult diapers and linen savers to Landi Bezuidenhout, CEO and nursing services manager of the Hospice in Nelspruit.
We look forward to further collaboration with the Nelspruit Hospice, in particular helping to raise awareness of their services offered free of charge.
The Nelspruit Hospice provides quality home-based palliative care to people with life-threatening illnesses. Its professional nurses are palliative care-trained and provide physical, psycho-social and spiritual support regardless of race, disease, religion or socio-economic situation.
We provided the Mogalakwena Hospice and Rehabilitation Centre, in the Waterberg District west of Polokwane, with equipment and supplies for the refurbishment of their centre.
This hospice, founded by former professional nurse Christinah Mokonyama, is the only facility in the area that accepts elderly patients, dementia patients and bedridden people. As such, it is a vital resource for the impoverished surrounding community.
“The donation was a meaningful, timely and necessary intervention that will go a long way in the entity finding its feet and pursue its founding purpose,” says TRSA’s Lesiba Mathobela, who handed over the donation.


We donated bulk adult diapers and sanitary pads to the Msunduzi Hospice in the
Pietermaritzburg area. This hospice, which provides home-based care and counselling workshops to the Msunduzi region, relies heavily on donations to survive.
The nursing staff and caregivers at the facility expressed appreciation for the much-needed donation.
We provided bulk adult diapers and linen savers to the Edenvale Care Centre Hospice, on the East Rand. This donation was especially appreciated, as at the time the hospice had received no government funding for 10 months and was battling to keep its doors open.
This hospice provides physical, psychological and social care for patients with cancer, as well as other dread diseases. This includes providing physical care for those patients in the terminal stages of disease, as well as counselling support services for their families and friends. It provides palliative care to patients, some of whom have recovered sufficiently to be able to return to their homes and places of employment.
Anyone who would like to support the Edenvale Care Centre Hospice can contact the centre on 011 454 5358 or visit its Facebook page for more information.
Western Cape

The St Luke’s Combined Hospices (SLCH) in Kenilworth, Cape Town received much-needed medical supplies and kitchen appliances from Lubabalo Mcwabeni, of our Cape Town office.
“SLCH provides palliative care to those struggling with an incurable illness, and their care and comfort will be enabled by this most gracious support,” SLCH said afterwards.
SLCH provides palliative care to people with life-limiting illnesses, through professional home and in-ward nursing support.
Free State
Hospice Bloemfontein received an oxygen concentrator from us, handed over by Elvis Mazibuko of our Bloemfontein office to the general manager, Hanneke Lubbe.
“We cannot be more grateful!” the hospice said on its social media after the donation.